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18.reduction : n.减少,减小
reduce v. 减少,减小
19.automatic : a. 自动的;无意识的
20.reprogramme: v. 再次(重新)设定程序
21.completion: n. 完成,结束
complete: v. 完成
22.specific: a. 特有的,特定的
special: 特殊的
23.switch :n. / v 开关,转换
Change、shift :改变,变换,转换
Having considered that problem, they switched their conversation to other matters.
None of us wisshes to switch back to the old system. 我们谁也不愿意回复到旧制度。
In the last three years, he switched from one profession to another.
turn on/off: switch on/off 打开、接通/关闭
24.critical: a. 批评的,对…谴责的,紧要的,危急的
criticize (se): v. 批评
criticism n. 批评
派生词: criticize v. 批评,批判;criticism n. 批评; critic: n. 评论家
His critical analysis was helpful. 他的批评性分析很有帮助。
The patient was in a critical condition. 病人处于危险的情况。
The old man was critical of the boy‘s impolite behavior.
At the critical moment, we should be capable of facing any difficulties.
be capable of: be able to
He is critical of her ignorance of law. 对于她对法律的无知,他持批评态度。 a. 手指的,指状的; 2.数字的,计数的
digit n. 数字、手指 n. 照相机,摄影机
27.light-sensitive: a. 光敏的
28.intensity: n. 强烈;剧烈
派生词: intense a. 强烈的,剧烈的
The pain increased in intensity. 疼痛加剧了。
The intensity of the play left the audience numbed. 这部戏的紧张程度使观众麻木了。
29.grayscale 灰度
30.brightness n. 1.明亮,晴朗, 2. 聪敏,机灵
31.scale n. 刻度;规模;比例尺
They are making war preparations on a large scale. 他们正大规模地搞战备。
The scale is an inch to the mile. 比例是用一英寸代表一英里。
32.shade n. 阴影;遮光物
shades of gray/red/green/blue(颜色变化的程度)
33.calculation n.计算
34.defective: a. 有缺点的,有缺陷的
35.assemble: vt. 集合,装配
fit together:组装在一起
36.attendant :n. 1.服务员,2.出席者
attend: v. 出席
37.fireman: n. 消防队员
firefighter: 消防队员
38.housekeeper: n.管理家务的主妇;女管家
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