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Homer Author of epics
Sappho Lyric poet
Tragic dramatist
Sophocles Tragic dramatist
Euripides Tragic dramatist
Arostophoes Comedy writer
Herodotus Greeks and Persians Father of the history
Thucydides Athens and Sparta, Syracuse historian
Pythagoras All things were numbers
Heracleitue Fire is the primary element
Democritus Materialist , atomic
Socrates Dissect of oneself, virtue was high worth of life, dialectical method
Plato Man have knowledge because of the existence of certain general ideas
Aristotle Direct observation, theory follow fact, idea and matter together made concrete inspanidual realities
Euclid geometrist
Others Diogenes, Pyrrhon, Epicurus philosophy
Cicero Far less rhetorical, but colloquial and intimate Prose writer
Caesar I came, I saw, I conquered Prose writer
Lucretius On the nature of things poet
Virgil -Aeneas-tragic hero
4th century B.C.后半叶希腊在Alexander,king of Macedon的领导下,5th century B.C.达到顶峰,146B.C.被罗马攻克。
l 基督教和圣经
Jews—以前叫Hebrews,3800B.C.穿过中东沙漠,1300B.C.Moses带领Hebrews离开埃及,开始他们的Exodus,他在 Sinai山定了ten commandments in the name of God,40年后Hebrews定居Pelestine, known as Canaan,Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament, 6th century B.C.,他们在Babylon形成synagogue(忧太集会)来发扬他们的教义。
Jesus生活在第一个罗马帝国Augustus, Emperor Constantine 1于313年宣布基督教合法,Emperor Theodosius于393年宣布基督教为国教。
Hebrew人的历史口头传送记入the old Testament,旧约包含39本书,写了从1000B.C.-100A.D.的事情,最重要的前五本是Pentateuch,旧约主要由 Hebrew写成,the New Testment主要是Greek的形式,包含14本书,最古老的Latin Bible叫Vulgate,在1382年被John Wycliff翻译成了英语,Greek Bible叫Septuagint
l 中世纪
在文化上继承了Roman culture,出现了Hebrew and Gothic culture
feudalism主要是一种system of land holding,for exchanging military service,它还是一种local and decentralized government
1045,教堂分裂为the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
Charles Martel给士兵们estates known as fiefs in 732
St. Thomas Aquinas写了The Summa Theologica总结了中世纪神学的所有知识并形成了系统,他认为feudal hierarchy of society is God‘s rule
The power of feudal rulers is God‘s will
Pope is Crist‘s Plenipotentiary
中世纪封建社会的人主要分为三个等级:clergy, lords, peasants
Charlemagne and Alfred the Great encouraged learning by setting up monastery schools. They copied various ancient books and translated the Latin works into the vernacular.
l 文艺复兴与宗教改革
Boccaccio Decameron
Cervantes Don Quixote(crowned literature of Spain)
Petrarch Sonnet,father of modern poetry
Da Vinci Artist in Italy
Michelangelo Artist in Italy
Raphael Known for his Madonna Artist in Italy
Titian Oil color Artist in Italy
Ronsard France
Rabelais Cargantua and Pantagruel France
Montaigne The Essais France
Thomas More Utopia
Shakespeare crowned literature of England
Copernicus The father of modern astronomy
Vesalius The founder of modern medicine Anatomy
Aldus Manutius The foremost printer in Italy
Machiavelli Father of political science Political sciencehistoriography
others Giotto,Brunelleschi,Donatello,Giorgione,Spencer, Bacon artists
Reformation was led by Martin Luther. 它主张用the Bible的绝对权威取代the Roman Catholic Church的绝对权威,这促进了资本主义的发展。
1492, Columbus发现了America
1487,Dias发现了the cape of good hope
1497,da Gama发现了绕过好望角去印度的航线
英国在Elizabeth I的统治下达到鼎盛时期
宗教改革以后,基督教分裂为:the Protestant and the Roman Catholic
l 17世纪
Leibniz Distinguishes three levels of understandingcaculaus
Milton Areopagitica,
English revolution
Bacon Knowledge is power England
Descartes I think therefore I am France
Corneille FrenchNeoclassicismdramatists
很多科学器械在被发明:microscope, telescope, thermometer, barometer, pendulum
Bacon反对deductive method,创立了inductive method
1689,the Bill of Rights建立了the Parliament至高无上的权利
英国大革命中,Cromwell带领行动 Milton提供思想
法国最著名的建筑:Palace of Versailles Garden Front
East Front of the Louvre
英国最著名建筑:St. Paul‘s Cathedral
17th:physics, mathematics
French classicism
Baroque art
l 启蒙运动
Diderot France
Montesquieu Separation of powers
Hobbes Social contract
Locke Social contract
Henry Fielding
Samuel Richardson The founder of English domestic noval
Lessing German dramastistGerman classicim
Kant Waterhead of modern philosophyPropose the nebular hypothesis
Pope poet Dr.Johnson lexicographer
J.S.Bach ChristianityMajor musicians of the musical Englithenment
Haydn Classical period Viennese school
Beethoven Romantic Movement
18世纪两大著名运动:The American War of Independence(1776)
The Declaration of Independence
The French Revolution(1789)
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Rococo艺术的典型建筑代表:Hotel de Soubise
Addison, Steele在期刊The Tatler , The Spectator上发表论文
The Enlightenment
Rococo art
l 现实主义
Stendhal a novel is a mirror walking along the road
Flaubert first French realist Objectivity, detachment
Zora Naturalism, scientific heredity
Chickikov A character in Shame, and hypocrisy
Peter the Great Russian reforms. End the middle age
Ibsen For women hypocrisy and seemy politics
Strindberg Autobiograpgical Existence and self-realization
George Eliot Scientific, reason,objectivity
Charles Dickens
Thackeray Becky Sharp
Thomas Hardy Wessex uperior, pitiless, indifference
Berbard Shaw Fabian society major Barbara> Nobel Prize in 1925
Turgenev First gain recognition in the west
Other countries
Walt Whitman
Henry James The master beyond all masters, psychological subtlety
Mark Twain Father of American literature
Gustave Courbet Neo-Baroque Brutality and vulgarity
Millet Outside the circle of politics painter
Manet The luncheon on the grass Challenge to Greco-Roman
Monet Impression:sunrise
Van Gogh Against impressionism
Gauguin Use color in unexpected combinations
Auguste Rodin Art for art‘s sake sculpture
Antonin Dvorak The symphony in E Minor Patterns found in folk music
Claude Debussy The founder of modern musical impression
反对falseness, sentimentality
Mark Twain称1870-1890年的美国为the gilded age,内战之后,New England的重要性让位于New York
l 现代主义和其它
Conrad Human motives , moral values
Virginia Woolf Bloomsbury, stream of consciousness
James Joyce
Symbolism, naturalistic,interior monologue
W.B.Yeats imagist movement, Symbolism
William Faulkner Conflictsbrotherhood
Gorky Trilogy
John Osborn
Robbe-Grillet Nouveau Roman
Samuel Beckett Absurd Drama
Tomas Mann Psychological effect of isolation
Andre Gide 1947,Nobel Prize
Albert Camus meaning of life, values 1957,Nobel Prize
M.A.Sholokhov 1965,Nobel Prize
Marcel Proust Remembrance of things past
Kingsley Amis The angry young men
Allen Ginsberg The beat generation
Iack Kerouac The beat generation
Jean-Paul Sartre Existenlialism
Emil Nolde Expressionism In Germany
Joseph Heller Black humor
Fauves Boldest color,
Picasso cubism
Umverto Boccioni futurism
Marcel Duchamp Dada movement
Jackson Pollock Abstract expressionism Drip technique
Henry Moore Three-dimensional sculpter
现代主义复杂丰富,它包含symbolism, surrealism, cubism, expressionism, futurism
Schoenberg(serialism) Stravinsky(neoclassicism), Bartok, Vaughan Williams
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