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in terms of 在…方面
To understand the effects of apartheid it is necessary to think of the daily lives of the people and the ways in which their lives are regulated by apartheid.
It means standing for hours in a bus-queue, because there are too few buses specially set aside for black people; ⑶it means having to pass theatres and swimming pool with no thought of ever entering them, because they are set aside for with people; and because the restrictions extend to the thoughts people think, and because the laws apply to both black and white, it means that all people in South Africa are denied the right to read certain books because the government believes them to be subversive of its apartheid society.⑷
3.It means standing for hours in a bus-queue, because there are too few buses specially set aside for black people. (para.3)
set aside (为某特定目的)留出,分给,存下
4.that all people in South Africa are denied the right to read certain books because the government believes them to be subversive of its apartheid society. (para.3)
“… 无权阅读某些书”
Apartheid means that sportsmen like Basil D‘Oliviera, Steve Makone, and Precious Mackenzie could never represent their own country because they were not white; that singers and actors like Miriam Makeba and Lionel Ngamane would be restricted because of their colour to appearing in certain places and before certain audiences⑸ -a coloured cast could perform Verdi’s “La Traviata” but no nonwhites could attend a performance before the State president.
5.that singers and actors like Miriam Makeba and Lionel Ngamane would be restricted because of their colour to appearing in certain places and before certain audiences… (para. 4)
because of their colour 插在 be retricted to 之间,be restricted to 意思是:“被局限在”
appearing 是动名词作介词 to 的宾语
The list of restrictions is endless - these are only a few small examples. But what they add up to is a spanision which breeds hostility. ⑹At sports events, if white and black are present ,they support opposing sides and the result is friction -so much so that in many grounds only whites are allowed.⑺
It is illegal for white and black to play chess together. And whites who tried to play football in a team with black members were prosecuted.
6.But what they add up to is a spanision which breeds hostility. (para.5)
add up to 似乎是,(加起来)等于是
7.… so much so that in many grounds only whites are allowed. (para. 5 )
so much so that 到这样的程度以至于…
And in a society where these ugly barriers exist, it is better to pretend that they are incapable of producing any work which truthfully reflects their society; and so deep has this kind of blindness entered that no work of any real worth has been produced in South Africa for many years.⑻
8.and so deep has this kind of blindness entered that no work of any real worth has been produced in South Africa for many years.(para. 7 )
这是一个“so + 副词”开头的倒装句,谓语发生部分倒装。
Perhaps one might expect the writers among the blacks, in a situation full of tension and pain, to produce works which live. But for them apartheid presents another problem; to be frank is to be banned. And so writers like Alex la Guma were silenced by banning orders, ⑼or others, like Alfred Hutchinson and Bloke Modisane fled the country. For Nat Nakasa the pledge he was required to sign -to leave his country and never return proved too much; he committed suicide in New York.
9.And so writers like Alex la Guma were silenced by banning orders,…(para.8)
silence 是动词,使沉默,使安静
Even white writers - Andre Brink ,for instance - who have dared to criticize ,or appear to criticise , the apartheid society have suffered. Their works have been banned, or they have been savagely attacked by the official spokesmen of apartheid.
The failure of writers to write ,or of people to understand each other - all these are indications of the deeper evil; the failure of communication. But what is little understood by the outside world is that this is a failure legislated for. ⑽It is a failure which has been carefully designed.
10.But what is little understood by the outside world is that this is a failure legislated for.(para. 10 )
what is little understood by the outside world 是主语从句,
在表语从句中 legislated for 是定语修饰 failure
It is the intention of those who have constructed the apartheid society, and who intend that it should last forever, that those who make up the society should be prevented from communicating with each other. ⑾Black and white must be cut off from each other, must be unable to communicate.⑿ It is on this spanision that apartheid rests .⒀ This is the true meaning of apartheid. And it is this inflicts the true terrible wound on South African society.
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